On September 4, was the start of the Erasmus+ summer school “Green Innovative Moving Entrepreneurship” at our faculty. The summer school is the result of cooperation between European faculties from Slovenia, Portugal, Poland, Austria and Romania and a local company from Slovenia. Participating are:
– International School for Social and Business Studies, Celje, Slovenia
– Company New Bike, Celje, Slovenia
– School of Management and Technology of Felgueiras, Portugal
– The Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania
– Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland
– University of Applied Sciences Burgenland, Austria
The summer school programme is focused on encouraging creativity and innovation in the field of sustainable mobility, especially in the context of environmentally friendly cycling solutions. Students have the opportunity to develop innovative business ideas that support green mobility. These ideas can serve as the basis for potential startups and franchise opportunities.
The program started with a lively welcome party that encouraged networking and friendship among the participants. In addition to trainings and workshops where students develop business ideas and marketing strategies, in the afternoons we hang out on tours of the Municipality of Celje and enjoy its attractions.